The Gift of Your Feminine Range

When a woman has access to her full feminine range she feels more alive, and more connected to her power and her gifts. She is healthier, more turned on, and happier! 

Most women have access to only a small percent of who they truly are. Through the culture, lineage programming, and patriarchy, most women are stuck in numbness and survival based strategies- fight, flight, freeze, and fawn. 

If you want to be more vibrant, playful, connected to your pleasure and your full feminine range, so that you can have deeper intimacy, give your gifts more powerfully, and be a more loving and compassionate mother, lover, sister, daughter, and friend, then join me for TWO FREE CLASSES:

Tuesday, September 26th from 12-1:30pm PT

~ AND ~

Tuesday, October 3rd from 5-6:30pm PT

If you sign up but can not make the live class we will send the recording out via email after. 

Class One

Priestess Healer

Tuesday, September 26th from 12-1:30pm PT

The Priestess Healer within every woman has the ability to anchor us to the magic of the stars, and tether us to the power of the earth.

The Priestess Healer dances between heaven and earth. She is a channel for the essences of creation. 

Her healing energy is love. It creates new patterns of possibility.

Her shadow is over giving, and a fixation on healing and transformation. When out of balance, she can feel the other more than she feels herself. She can turn resentful and bitter, and feel overwhelmed by the brokenness of life and self.

To learn more sign-up below!

Class Two

Sacred Slut

Tuesday, October 3rd from 5-6:30pm PT

A woman who can express her love in an embodied way through her sensual, and sexual self is a force to be reckoned with! Sacred slut is deeply connected to her pleasure in and out of the bedroom. Her sensation is high. She is tuned-in and turned-on, and you can tell. Her creativity and life force are hot. Fire is the element of the sacred slut. She knows how to work with her inner fire to create and destroy! Sacred slut is HIGHLY magnetic! 

Spend an hour and a half with me to let your turn-on come out to play!  

Gifts of the Sacred Slut: Beauty, creativity, life pulsing through her 

Wounds: Rigidity, Controlling

To learn more sign-up below!

Join Us

The Gift Of Your Feminine Range

Sign Up Below. You can join us for one class or both!