Personal Mentorship

Deepen Intimacy and Love in Relationship and Life 

Radically Transform Your Relationships

Relationships are our greatest source of joy and fulfillment. And…they can also be the place of our greatest suffering. At some point in most people’s lives, they will find their biggest hardship, and struggle in relationship. These struggles come from our core unresolved childhood wounding. So this is where we begin…

I help couples and singles become aware of and heal their core wounds so that they can have the relationships and lives they truly want.

Working with me 1:1 is a deep dive into the foundation of you, individually or as a couple. We will reconstruct your foundation so that your relationships and life are an aligned expression of what you want most.

I work with couples to align their relationship to their core needs. We change the culture of the relationship and family so there is space for each person’s needs to be fulfilled.
Together we architect a new foundation of relationship built on spaciousness, generosity, play, and deep sexual intimacy.

When we are done, your relationship or future relationship will not look like anyone else’s. It will be tailored specifically to you and your partner, and the fulfillment of your heart’s deepest desires. You will feel relieved, whole, nourished, and excited to co-create passion and love.

This work will radically shift all of your relationships. From your intimate partner to your children to your family of origin, when you do the deep dive to truly heal and reset your foundation, all of your relationships will benefit and deepen in intimacy.

  • If you are single and have not been able to find connection and love that is aligned with your heart's desire, I can help.
  •  If you are in a relationship and long for deeper intimacy and connection with your partner, I can help.
  •  If you are single or in partnership and want to feel more alive, creative, and inspired by life, with clear direction as to how you can share your gifts with the world, I can help.

If you are ready to take your relationships to the next level then let’s talk! It is my gift to help you evolve into deeper intimacy and love, individually or as a couple.

Schedule a time to talk with me

What past clients have said about working with Sarah:

“Sarah is a straight shooter, she doesn’t bullshit you. She’s firm and so loving at the same time. Having her input as a woman has been extremely helpful in my ability to make more money and shift the dynamic with my wife." JB
“I hired Sarah to coach me through two challenges I was facing: finding my next life partner and growing my business. Sarah’s expert coaching led me to: (1) recognize where my shadows were sabotaging myself; and (2) empower the parts of me that I want to shine more." Valdo Lallemand
"I’m more centered- not as reactive to external triggers. I’m finally able to access & release old, buried grief. I’m more joyful and able to connect with spontaneous laughter. My incidence of heart arrhythmia/tachycardia is significantly less. I have greater clarity regarding close relationships! Thank you! "Katie S.
"I am a stay at home mom of two girls and I found Sarah when my girls were smaller and I was really hitting a wall and miserable- like crying all the time, and finding no joy, and being filled with anxiety with every social interaction I had to make, and a huge amount of mom guilt. I was up against a wall and was faced with the choice of being miserable and drowning in anxiety and depression or choosing something else. I didn't even know that I had a choice until I was introduced to Sarah’s work. I feel so much stronger and capable of living. I am able to be in social situations without anxiety. I am a better parent to my kids because I’m not always emotionally reacting to where they are. I can more often than not stay calm and centered. I can’t say enough about how much Sarah has helped me and changed me! " Stephanie B.