January 2nd-31st, 2024

“Hello darkness, my old friend.” 

Darkness is not something to fear or reject.

Darkness is the spacious unknown. It is the season of rest and regeneration. 

Darkness is the deep fertile soil from which new life can grow. 

In a nutshell, darkness is just as sacred as the light. 

Let’s follow the wisdom of the earth and gather together this January to dive into sacred darkness.

Spend 1 hour a day for 30 days traversing the inner landscape of your being.
We will be resting into the deep dark essence of life, and letting it completely recalibrate us.
From there, true alignment will show itself.
The path forward will be forged out of your sacred darkness.
You will practice resting into your eternal essence.
No pushing.
No forcing.
Just unraveling into what’s next.
Moment to moment, breath to breath.
Regulating and resourcing from the earth.
Staying in the fertile unknown long enough to bring forward the deep medicine needed to help radically shift humanity!

Why this? Why now?

Being in the unknown opens up the possibility of a new and unexpected path or self to arise. When you are lost, when you don't know what to do or how to be anymore, you have two choices:

1. You can replicate what you have done before and recreate a pattern or old way of being that very likely does not serve you. 


2. You can pause, wait, do nothing. Sit in stillness. Drop below the fear and listen to how creation wants to move through you.

Are you willing to surrender all your patterns, strategies, agendas? Release what you thought you knew about who you are and how your life was supposed to go?


Can you pause and settle into yourself- deeper than your fear, deeper than your pain? Deeper than the discomfort of the great unknown? Can you let a new seed, a new spark, a new connection to life emerge? You- and your deepest connection to the infinite truth of creation- are the answer to this time.

Pause with me. Rest with me. Regulate with me. And let’s let creation show us the way.

  • Are you needing to release the pressure valve of life a bit?

  • Are you longing for a new expression of your life? One that is more connected, more intimate, and more enjoyable? 

  • Are you longing to rest and unravel to your core?

  • Are you tired of being tired? 

  • Are you ready to be held like you’ve never been held before? 

  • Are you ready to feel more happy, grounded, alive, and connected to the infinite possibility of YOU?  

  • Are you ready to go deep and reset?

Why is this program so unique? 

Sarah is a natural born clairvoyant. Her natural gifts of seeing beyond the veils, and of transformation and healing, make this container very unique and alive.


Sarah reads the energy of the group and what is needed from day to day. It is a true journey down the rabbit hole of your own soul. Even with many people in the container, every meditation somehow touches each individual exactly where they need it. 

Details of the Program


You are longing for a structure and container that can take you deeper than you can take yourself right now. You are longing to have the space to rest, find peace, regulate into the darkness of creation. 


30 days of deep dive transformation via meditation and energy work.  


Everyday for one hour starting January 2nd- January 31st @10am PDT- 11am PDT. If you cannot make the live calls, you can listen to the recording on your own time every day. 




Because you are ready to create the space for a deeper, more whole expression of you.


One-Time Payment of



2 Payments of



You will spend 30 days: 

  • Not just healing, but RESOLVING your wounds and patterns through nervous system regulation 
  • Grounding and running your energy
  • Clearing your energetic space 
  • Finding and receiving your essence, the gift of you
  • Filling and nourishing yourself like you never have before
  • Updating your unconscious awareness
  • Bringing all your agreements into present time
  • Consciously creating from your true alignment with Self 
  • Claiming and stepping into your wholeness, your divinity, the truth of who you are
  • Reclaiming the magic and medicine of your soul
  • Stepping out of resistance and into inspiration
  • Celebrating, in gratitude, the blessing of this life


The tools we will use this year will be nervous system regulation practices, running energy practices, embodiment practices, breath work, meditation, and sound healing. 

You will come away from these 30 days nourished, and reconnected to yourself. You will know how to mainline the information of your own soul. The story and purpose of you will unfold. You will have more clarity and insight than ever before. 

I promise that if you show up and do the work every day for 30 days, you will be completely transformed on the other side of the journey.

I'm In!


All that we cultivate within this year's 30 days will be offered out to the collective of humanity. We practice opening our hearts, we practice reconnecting to ourselves, in dedication to the ones who are suffering in this time. For those who have lost so much to senseless devastation, we practice. We practice for those who do not, or cannot, practice. For many of us who are so privileged to live a life of ease and exploration of self, to practice IS OUR SERVICE. 

Let’s send waves around this planet of greater harmony, love, and peace for all beings, throughout all time, all space, past, present, and future. 

May all beings be free. May all beings be liberated from suffering. May all beings know and live in love.

I'm In!